Seminar by Stefano Azzini (U. of Trento)
Future quantum information technologies have already found in integrated photonic platforms an excellent candidate in terms of robustness, scalability, complexity and overall integrability. At the Nanoscience Laboratory of the University of Trento, we design and experimentally study circuits for photons on a chip to harness the power of entanglement and interference for diverse quantum information processing tasks. In this talk, I will discuss a few research results to which I contributed over the past five years. First, I will introduce single-photon entanglement [1] and present how it can be exploited to generate quantum-certified random numbers using on-chip path-entangled single photons from an LED [2]. Second, I will show how qudits encoded in the path of single photons from an attenuated laser can be successfully employed to implement the first, to the best of our knowledge, photonic swap test circuit [3], an algorithm returning the inner product of two quantum states. Third, I will present some results related to our efforts toward the realization of a room-temperature quantum photonic integrated platform at visible-to-near infrared wavelengths [4]. Finally, I will conclude with some perspectives about our ongoing works and interests.
[1] S. Azzini, et al., Single-Particle Entanglement, Adv. Quantum Technol., 3: 2000014 (2020).
[2] N. Leone, et al., Generation of quantum-certified random numbers using on-chip path-entangled single photons from an LED, Photon. Res. 11, 1484-1499 (2023).
[3] A. Baldazzi, et al., A linear swap test circuit for quantum kernel estimation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.17923 (2024).
[4] M. Sanna, et al., SiN integrated photonic components in the visible to near-infrared spectral region, Opt. Express 32, 9081-9094 (2024).