Guidance and Tutoring
The Department organizes several activities aimed at guiding students and high school teachers. Among the many we highlight the following:
- participation to the "Open Day" Event;
- the Piano Lauree Scientifiche (PLS);
- the stage aimed at high school students;
- upon request, seminars and visits to the Department and to the laboratories.
The Department organizes periodically the following meetings aimed at sudents either of the Bachelor's or of the Master's degree program:
- guidance on the curricula of the master's degree program in Physical Sciences;
- guidance on the research activities (2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020);
- workshops on the research activities (2018)
- seminars on the research activities within the Department: incontri di Fisica Moderna;
- colloquia of the PhD school in Physics
Information on the possibility of carrying on the studies or on the opportunities of finding a job are usually provided directly by the staff members, especially during the research activities and the work connected to the writing of the master thesis.
All staff members have several contacts with other universities as well as with national and international research centers, with companies both in the public and in the private sector. These contacts were typically born from joint research projects or thanks to the presence in these companies of one of our former students. It is availabe a constantly updated webpage focused on our contacts with several companies.
In addition we organize several guidance meetings dedicated to investigating the role of physicists in the labour world: 2014, 2016, 2020.