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Teaching quality

Students-Professors Joint Committee

The quality of the teaching activities within the bachelor's and the master's degree program which are fostered by the Department of Physics is closely monitored by the Students-Professors Joint Committee.

It is composed as follows:

Representatives of the staff members:

  • Guido Montagna (chair)
  • Paolo Perinotti (secretary)
  • Matteo Cococcioni
  • Susanna Costanza
  • Franco Marabelli
  • Mario Pietro Carante

Representatives of the students:

  • Andrea Franzetti (deputy chair)
  • Dario Bongioanni
  • Alexander Robert Gorini
  • Alessandro Mazzeo
  • Alessandro Oberti
  • Pietro Schiavone

Upon request from the central administration, all documents prepared by the committee are available only on the reserved area.

Teaching Quality Assurance Group

The Department of Physics has charged the following task groups to write the Monitoring Document of the Teaching Quality: 

Bachelor's Degree in Physics

  • Paolo Montagna
  • Andrea Negri
  • Andrea Casadei

Master's Degree in Physical Sciences

  • Dario Gerace
  • Andrea Negri
  • Emanuele Brusaschi

Upon request from the central administration, all documents prepared by the committee are available only on the reserved area.

SUA-CdS for the Bachelor's Degree in Physics

The "Schede Uniche Annuali del Corso di Studio (SUA-CdS)" and other information on the Degree Programmes are also available on the Universitaly website. Students' evaluations of courses are available on the SisValDidat website (which substituted the previous valmon website).

SUA-CdS for the Master's Degree in Physical Sciences

The "Schede Uniche Annuali del Corso di Studio (SUA-CdS)" and other information on the Degree Programmes are also available on the Universitaly website. Students' evaluations of courses are available on the SisValDidat website (which substituted the previous valmon website).
