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  1. LEICA MZ16A microscope with motorized support capable of micrometric movement, integrated camera for PC connection; Image Pro Plus 7.0 software for image acquisition and analysis of histological samples and neutron autoradiography solid state detectors.
  2. CZT detector with 1D sensitivity: CdZnTe (CZT) semiconductor detector for gamma spectrometry in the range going from few tens keV up to MeV, specifically optimized for the detection of 478 keV gamma ray emitted during BNCT. Prototype realized by due2lab s.rl. Characteristics:
    • Physical volume: 20x5x5 mm3
    • Active volume: 20x5x3 mm3
    • Electrodes: planar cathode, one collection anode-strip coupled to 4+4 drift strips for collecting field formation; irradiation geometry: Planar Tansversal Field (PTF)
    • Integrated preamplified cyrcuit + external HV supply and amplification stage.
  3.  BNCT-SPECT system made by 4 modules “DoseCapture” released by due2lab s.r.l., each one including:
    • one CZT crystal about 20x20x5 mm3 optimized for the detection of the 478 keV BNCT photon in PTF configuration
    • enriched Li-6 LiF shiled against thermal neutrons
    • Pb collimators
    • electrodes: planar cathode and Frish-grid geometry anodes
    • integrated preamplified cyrcuit
    • digital read-out
  4. standard NIM modules and ORTEC MAESTRO-32 software for acquisition and elaboration of PHS using MCB (Multi Channel Buffer)
  5. plane for translational and rotational movements of samples and phantoms, equipped with remote control

Responsible: Nicoletta Protti