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The STM/STS instrumentation has the following characteristics:

Atomic resolution. Low tunnelling currents (up to 500 fA).

Working modes: Imaging at constant tunnel current, Imaging at constant Height, I-V spectroscopy.

X-Y piezoceramic tube:

  • High voltage mode scan size: 10 x 10 µm
  • Low voltage mode scan size: 650 x 650 µm
  • High voltage mode resolution: 1.5 Å
  • Low voltage mode resolution: 0.1 Å

Z piezoceramic tube:

  • High voltage mode scan size: 1.2 µm
  • High voltage mode resolution: 0.2 µm

Translator stage:

  • X-Y range: 5 x 5 mm
  • Z range: 13 mm (4 mm servo assisted)

STM Head and tip holder

  • Head housing low current preamplifier with 109 V/A gain
  • Images from 2pA to 2nA

Responsible: Vittorio Bellani