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EIC_NET is the community of Italian researchers involved in the construction of detectors for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), which will operate with polarized beams and variable collision energy. It will be built at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL – USA) and is expected to start operating by mid-2030. The EIC will produce high-precision 3D images of quarks and gluons, revealing their contributions to the macroscopic properties of hadrons (mass, spin, radius) and will enhance our understanding of confinement mechanisms, which remain an open issue in QCD.

The Pavia group works on:

  • Analysis: Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering studies, with particular interest in Transverse Momentum Distributions (TMDs); implementation of secondary vertex algorithms;
  • Detectors: R&D for the Silicon Vertex and Tracking (SVT) detector of the ePIC Collaboration;
  • Theoretical studies: support activities for simulations on TMDs.

Local coordinator: Susanna Costanza
Contact for theses: Susanna Costanza e Marco Radici
Group members: G. Boca, S. Costanza, F. Delcarro , M. Radici, N. Valle.