R&D for muon collider
The Muon Collider is an international project for a future accelerator experiment. The basic idea is to exploit μ+μ− collisions for discoveries and precision measurements at high energies, the realization of which requires overcoming technological challenges with extensive theoretical and experimental studies. The group's activities include:
- Analysis: development of muon reconstruction algorithms, studies of physics beyond the standard model (dark matter, supersymmetry)
- Detectors: simulations, research and development of new gas detectors for the muon system
- Theoretical studies: Higgs couplings, signals and background at the Muon Collider
Insights into the potential for exploring the frontier of particle physics and the design of a Muon Collider are available at the following links: Nature, CERN Courier, Il Nuovo Saggiatore.
Local coordinator: Cristina Riccardi
Contact for theses: Cristina Riccardi, Mauro Chiesa
Group Members: S. Calzaferri, M. Chiesa, D. Pagano, F. Piccinini, C. Riccardi, P. Salvini, I. Vai, P. Vitulo
Useful links